FAQs - What are the white spots on my dates?
Medjool dates are a delicious and nutritious fruit that are enjoyed all over the world. One of the most popular varieties of Medjool dates is the Medjool from Madinah, which is grown in Saudi Arabia and has a rich, sweet flavor. Why are there white s
Watch Our Keynote Video!
The Saheeh Kurma
We, The Saheeh Company seek to bring the status quo of the dates industry to a new height by focusing on branding, product design and as well as incorporating Augmented Reality technology.
Kurma pertama dengan fungsi AR
Astro Awani
BARU-BARU ini, syarikat The Saheeh telah melancarkan koleksi produk kurma yang dikenali sebagai KURMA. lengkap dengan pengalaman mengasyikkan untuk pelanggannya. Dengan berpandukan kepada teknologi “Realiti Terimbuh” (“AR”), KURMA. dipercayai satu-s